How to Avoid a Race Condition with _streamSubscription?.cancel();?
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How to Avoid a Race Condition with _streamSubscription?.cancel();?

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Are you struggling with stream subscriptions and wondering how to avoid the notorious race condition that comes with cancelling them? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of asynchronous programming and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to cancel stream subscriptions without falling prey to the dreaded race condition.

What is a race condition?

A race condition occurs when two or more threads or processes access shared resources, and the outcome depends on the order in which the threads or processes access the resources. In the context of stream subscriptions, a race condition can occur when you try to cancel a subscription while the stream is still being processed. This can lead to unpredictable behavior, errors, and even crashes.

Why does the race condition occur?

The race condition occurs because the `_streamSubscription?.cancel()` method is asynchronous, meaning it returns immediately without waiting for the cancellation to complete. This can cause the stream to continue processing events even after the cancellation request has been made, leading to unexpected behavior.

Example of a race condition

Future<void> cancelSubscription() async {
  await _streamSubscription?.cancel(); // This won't work as expected
  print('Subscription cancelled');

// Calling the cancelSubscription function

In the above example, the `_streamSubscription?.cancel()` method is called, but the `await` keyword is used to wait for the cancellation to complete. However, this won’t work as expected because the `_streamSubscription?.cancel()` method returns immediately, and the `await` keyword will only wait for the method to return, not for the cancellation to complete.

How to avoid the race condition?

To avoid the race condition, you need to ensure that the stream subscription is cancelled synchronously, or at least wait for the cancellation to complete before proceeding. Here are a few strategies you can use:

1. Use the `async/await` pattern correctly

Future<void> cancelSubscription() async {
  await _streamSubscription?.cancel(); // Wait for the cancellation to complete
  print('Subscription cancelled');

// Calling the cancelSubscription function

In this example, the `await` keyword is used to wait for the `_streamSubscription?.cancel()` method to complete before printing ‘Subscription cancelled’. This ensures that the subscription is cancelled synchronously, avoiding the race condition.

2. Use the `sync` property of the `_streamSubscription` object

void cancelSubscription() {
  _streamSubscription?.cancelSync(); // Cancel the subscription synchronously
  print('Subscription cancelled');

// Calling the cancelSubscription function

The `_streamSubscription` object has a `sync` property that allows you to cancel the subscription synchronously. By using the `cancelSync()` method, you can ensure that the subscription is cancelled immediately, avoiding the race condition.

3. Use a `Completer` to wait for the cancellation to complete

Future<void> cancelSubscription() async {
  final completer = Completer<void>();
  _streamSubscription?.cancel().then((_) {
  await completer.future; // Wait for the cancellation to complete
  print('Subscription cancelled');

// Calling the cancelSubscription function

In this example, a `Completer` is used to wait for the cancellation to complete. The `_streamSubscription?.cancel()` method is called, and the `then` method is used to complete the `Completer` when the cancellation is finished. The `await` keyword is then used to wait for the `Completer` to complete, ensuring that the subscription is cancelled synchronously.

Best practices to avoid race conditions

While the above strategies can help you avoid race conditions, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that your code is robust and predictable. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use asynchronous programming correctly: When working with asynchronous code, make sure to use the `async/await` pattern correctly to avoid race conditions.
  • Cancel subscriptions carefully: When cancelling a subscription, make sure to wait for the cancellation to complete before proceeding.
  • Use synchronization mechanisms: Use synchronization mechanisms like locks, semaphores, or atomic operations to protect shared resources from concurrent access.
  • Test your code thoroughly: Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it behaves as expected in different scenarios.


Avoiding race conditions when cancelling stream subscriptions requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following the strategies outlined in this article, you can ensure that your code is robust and predictable, even in the face of concurrent access. Remember to use asynchronous programming correctly, cancel subscriptions carefully, use synchronization mechanisms, and test your code thoroughly to avoid race conditions.

Strategy Description
Use the `async/await` pattern correctly Wait for the cancellation to complete using the `async/await` pattern.
Use the `sync` property of the `_streamSubscription` object Cancel the subscription synchronously using the `cancelSync()` method.
Use a `Completer` to wait for the cancellation to complete Use a `Completer` to wait for the cancellation to complete and ensure that the subscription is cancelled synchronously.

By following these strategies and best practices, you can avoid race conditions and ensure that your code is reliable and efficient. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck in a rut trying to avoid a race condition with _streamSubscription?.cancel()? Worry no more! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What is a race condition, and why should I care about avoiding it with _streamSubscription?.cancel()?

A race condition occurs when two or more threads access shared resources, causing unpredictable behavior. When you call _streamSubscription?.cancel(), it’s essential to avoid race conditions to prevent your app from crashing or producing unexpected results. Think of it as a safety net for your code!

How do I know if I’m experiencing a race condition with _streamSubscription?.cancel()?

If you’re seeing errors, crashes, or unpredictable behavior when calling _streamSubscription?.cancel(), it might be a sign of a race condition. Look out for errors like ‘Bad state: Stream has already been canceled’ or ‘Stream is already closed.’ If you’re unsure, try reproducing the issue or using debugging tools to identify the problem.

What is the best way to avoid a race condition with _streamSubscription?.cancel()?

To avoid race conditions, make sure to cancel the subscription before disposing of the controller or widget. You can do this by calling _streamSubscription?.cancel() in the dispose method of your widget or controller. Additionally, consider using a try-catch block to handle any potential errors.

Can I use a flag to avoid a race condition with _streamSubscription?.cancel()?

Yes, you can use a flag to avoid a race condition. Set a flag before canceling the subscription, and check the flag before attempting to cancel. This ensures that the subscription is only canceled once. For example, you can use a boolean flag like ‘isSubscriptionCanceled’ and set it to true after canceling the subscription.

Are there any other best practices for avoiding race conditions with _streamSubscription?.cancel()?

Yes! Always check if the subscription is not null before canceling it. Additionally, consider using a lock or synchronization mechanism to ensure thread safety. Lastly, make sure to handle any potential errors or exceptions that may occur during the cancellation process.