Any Solution to Apply Rounded Corners in Jetpack Glance?
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Any Solution to Apply Rounded Corners in Jetpack Glance?

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If you’re a developer working with Android and Jetpack Glance, you might have stumbled upon a common challenge: applying rounded corners to your glance app. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Jetpack Glance and explore solutions to achieve rounded corners, making your app visually appealing and user-friendly.

The Problem with Rounded Corners in Jetpack Glance

By default, Jetpack Glance templates don’t support rounded corners out-of-the-box. This limitation can be frustrating, especially when you want to create a sleek and modern design for your glance app. The good news is that there are workarounds and creative solutions to overcome this hurdle.

Understanding Jetpack Glance Templates

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the basics of Jetpack Glance templates. A Glance template is a layout that defines the structure and appearance of your glance app. You can think of it as a blueprint for your app’s UI. Jetpack Glance provides a range of pre-built templates, and you can also create custom templates using Android’s layout system.

Solution 1: Using CardView

One popular solution to apply rounded corners in Jetpack Glance is to use CardView. CardView is a component in the Android Support Library that allows you to create cards with rounded corners and elevation. Here’s how to implement it:

  1. Create a new layout file for your Glance template, e.g., `rounded_card_template.xml`:
    <!-- Your Glance template content goes here -->
  1. In your Glance template, use the `CardView` layout as the root element:
<import name="com.example.RoundedCardTemplate" type="template"/>
        <!-- Your Glance template content goes here -->

This solution works well when you want to apply rounded corners to the entire Glance template. However, if you need more control over the corners or want to apply rounded corners to specific elements within the template, you might need to explore alternative solutions.

Solution 2: Using ShapeDrawable

Another approach to achieve rounded corners in Jetpack Glance is to use ShapeDrawable. ShapeDrawable is a drawable that can be defined in XML and applied to views. Here’s how to implement it:

  1. Create a new drawable file, e.g., `rounded_corners.xml`:
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <corners android:radius="10dp"/>
  1. In your Glance template, apply the ShapeDrawable to the desired views:
    <!-- Your Glance template content goes here -->

This solution provides more flexibility than using CardView, as you can apply the ShapeDrawable to individual views or groups of views within the Glance template.

Solution 3: Using a Custom View

If you need more advanced control over the rounded corners or want to create a reusable component, you can create a custom view that extends the `View` class. Here’s an example:

public class RoundedCornerView extends View {
    private Path path;
    private Paint paint;
    public RoundedCornerView(Context context) {
    private void init() {
        path = new Path();
        paint = new Paint();
    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        path.addRoundRect(new RectF(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()), 10, 10, Path.Direction.CW);
        canvas.drawPath(path, paint);

In your Glance template, use the custom view:

    <!-- Your Glance template content goes here -->

This solution requires more code and effort, but it provides ultimate flexibility and customizability for your rounded corners.

Comparison of Solutions

Each solution has its pros and cons. Here’s a summary:

Solution Pros Cons
CardView Easy to implement, elevation and rounded corners out-of-the-box Limited customization, may not work well with complex layouts
ShapeDrawable Flexible, can be applied to individual views or groups May require additional XML files, limited to rectangular shapes
Custom View Ultimate flexibility, can be reused across the app Requires more code and effort, may be overkill for simple use cases

Choose the solution that best fits your needs and requirements. If you need a quick and easy solution, CardView might be the way to go. If you need more control and flexibility, ShapeDrawable or a custom view might be a better option.


Applying rounded corners in Jetpack Glance might seem like a challenge, but with the right solutions, it’s achievable. Whether you choose to use CardView, ShapeDrawable, or a custom view, you can create visually appealing and user-friendly glance apps that stand out from the crowd.

Remember to consider the pros and cons of each solution and choose the one that best fits your project’s requirements. Happy coding!


  • Q: Can I use these solutions with other Android UI components?

    A: Yes, these solutions can be applied to other Android UI components, not just Jetpack Glance.
  • Q: How do I customize the rounded corners further?

    A: You can customize the rounded corners by adjusting the `cornerRadius` attribute in the ShapeDrawable or by overriding the `onDraw` method in the custom view.
  • Q: What if I need to apply rounded corners to a specific part of the Glance template?

    A: You can use a combination of the solutions above, such as applying ShapeDrawable to a specific view or group of views within the Glance template.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of those sharp corners ruining the look of your app’s glance? Worry no more! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions about applying rounded corners in Jetpack Glance.

Is it possible to apply rounded corners in Jetpack Glance?

Yes, it is possible to apply rounded corners in Jetpack Glance, but it requires some creative workarounds. One approach is to use a custom layout with rounded corners and then use the GlanceAppWidget to display the content within that layout.

How can I achieve rounded corners in my Jetpack Glance widget?

To achieve rounded corners, you can create a custom shape drawable and set it as the background of your widget’s layout. You can use the `` tag to define the shape, and set the `corner` attribute to specify the radius of the corners.

Can I use a CardView to achieve rounded corners in Jetpack Glance?

Yes, you can use a CardView to achieve rounded corners in Jetpack Glance. Simply wrap your content layout with a CardView and set the `cardCornerRadius` attribute to the desired radius. This will give your widget a rounded corner look.

How do I set the corner radius of my Jetpack Glance widget?

To set the corner radius of your Jetpack Glance widget, you can use the `android:radius` attribute in your shape drawable or CardView. You can also use the `setCornerRadius` method of the CardView to set the radius programmatically.

Are there any limitations to applying rounded corners in Jetpack Glance?

Yes, there are some limitations to applying rounded corners in Jetpack Glance. For example, some devices may not support rounded corners or may display them incorrectly. Additionally, using custom layouts or CardViews may affect the performance of your app.

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