XLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria: The Ultimate Guide
Image by Sherburn - hkhazo.biz.id

XLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you tired of struggling with VLOOKUP’s limitations? Do you need to search for data based on multiple criteria? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of XLOOKUP with multiple criteria, exploring its syntax, examples, and best practices to take your Excel skills to the next level.

What is XLOOKUP?

XLOOKUP is a powerful Excel function that allows you to search for a value in a table and return a corresponding value from another column. Introduced in Excel 2019, XLOOKUP provides a more flexible and efficient alternative to VLOOKUP. The basic syntax of XLOOKUP is as follows:

XLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

XLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria: The Basics

When working with multiple criteria, we need to modify the XLOOKUP syntax to accommodate multiple conditions. The trick is to use the `FILTER` function in combination with XLOOKUP. The FILTER function returns a range of cells that meet the specified criteria, which is then fed into XLOOKUP to retrieve the desired value.

The basic syntax for XLOOKUP with multiple criteria is:

Example 1: Searching for a Customer by Name and Region

Suppose we have a table with customer information, and we want to find the sales amount for a customer named “John Smith” from the “East” region.

Name Region Sales
John Smith East 1000
Jane Doe West 500
John Smith West 2000

To solve this problem, we can use the following formula:

In this example, the FILTER function returns a range of cells in column A where the name is “John Smith” and the region is “East”. XLOOKUP then searches for the value “John Smith” in the filtered range and returns the corresponding sales amount from column C.

Advanced XLOOKUP Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into some advanced techniques to take your XLOOKUP skills to the next level.

Example 2: Using Multiple Criteria with OR Logic

Suppose we want to find the sales amount for customers who are either from the “East” region or have a sales amount greater than $1500.

1500)), 3)

In this example, the FILTER function returns a range of cells in column A where the region is “East” or the sales amount is greater than $1500. XLOOKUP then searches for the value “John Smith” in the filtered range and returns the corresponding sales amount from column C.

Example 3: Using Multiple Criteria with AND Logic and Multiple Columns

Suppose we want to find the sales amount for customers who are from the “East” region, have a sales amount greater than $1000, and work in the “Sales” department.

1000)*(D:D="Sales")), 3)

In this example, the FILTER function returns a range of cells in column A where the region is “East”, the sales amount is greater than $1000, and the department is “Sales”. XLOOKUP then searches for the value “John Smith” in the filtered range and returns the corresponding sales amount from column C.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

When working with XLOOKUP and multiple criteria, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use the FILTER function to apply multiple criteria to the data range.
  • Use the `*` operator to combine multiple criteria using AND logic.
  • Use the `+` operator to combine multiple criteria using OR logic.
  • Use the `IFERROR` function to handle errors when the lookup value is not found.

Common errors to watch out for include:

  • Incorrect syntax or formatting of the FILTER function.
  • Inconsistent data types or formatting in the data range.
  • Incorrect column indices or ranges in the XLOOKUP function.


XLOOKUP with multiple criteria is a powerful tool in Excel that allows you to search for data based on complex conditions. By mastering the FILTER function and combining it with XLOOKUP, you can unlock new possibilities for data analysis and manipulation. Remember to follow best practices, troubleshoot common errors, and experiment with different techniques to take your Excel skills to the next level.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using XLOOKUP with multiple criteria today and discover the power of Excel!

Here are 5 FAQs about XLOOKUP with multiple criteria:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on using XLOOKUP with multiple criteria!

Can I use XLOOKUP with multiple criteria in Excel?

Absolutely! XLOOKUP allows you to search for a value based on multiple criteria. To do this, you’ll need to use the `IF` function in combination with the `XLOOKUP` function. This will enable you to specify multiple conditions that need to be met before returning a value.

How do I specify multiple criteria in the XLOOKUP function?

To specify multiple criteria in XLOOKUP, you’ll need to use the `&` operator (ampersand) to concatenate the criteria. For example, `XLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index, [if_range1], [criteria1], [if_range2], [criteria2])`. This will search for a value in the specified range that meets both criteria.

Can I use XLOOKUP with multiple criteria on different columns?

Yes, you can! XLOOKUP allows you to search for a value based on multiple criteria in different columns. Simply specify the column range for each criterion, and XLOOKUP will return a value that meets all the conditions.

Is there a limit to the number of criteria I can use with XLOOKUP?

Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of criteria you can use with XLOOKUP. However, as the number of criteria increases, the formula can become cumbersome and difficult to read. In such cases, you may want to consider using a different function, such as INDEX-MATCH, which can be more flexible and efficient.

Can I use XLOOKUP with multiple criteria in Google Sheets?

Unfortunately, XLOOKUP is an Excel function and is not available in Google Sheets. However, you can use the `FILTER` function in Google Sheets to achieve similar results. The syntax for the `FILTER` function is `FILTER(range, criteria1, [criteria2], …)`, where `range` is the range of cells to filter, and `criteria1`, `criteria2`, etc. are the conditions to apply.

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